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Muscle Energy Technique


MET stands for Muscle Energy Technique, which is a therapeutic approach commonly used in osteopathy. It is a hands-on manual therapy technique that involves the active participation of the patient in specific muscle contractions and controlled movements.


During MET, the osteopath will assess the patient's musculoskeletal system, identify areas of dysfunction, and determine the range of motion limitations or muscle imbalances. The technique is typically performed in the following steps:

  1. Assessment: The osteopath assesses the patient's posture, range of motion, and identifies any areas of tension, restriction, or imbalance.

  2. Patient Positioning: The patient is positioned in a specific way to isolate the target muscle or joint for treatment.

  3. Activation: The patient is instructed to contract a specific muscle or group of muscles against a counterforce provided by the osteopath. The contraction is performed at a submaximal level, meaning the patient is not exerting maximum effort.

  4. Relaxation: After the muscle contraction, the patient is instructed to relax while the osteopath assists in gently guiding the muscle or joint into a new position.

  5. Repetition: The process is typically repeated multiple times, gradually working toward increasing the range of motion, releasing muscle tension, or addressing joint restrictions.


The goal of Muscle Energy Technique is to restore balance and functionality in the musculoskeletal system. MET is often combined with other osteopathic techniques, such as soft tissue massage, joint mobilisation, and stretching exercises, to provide a comprehensive approach to treatment. 

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